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Kyneton Police Station. Kyneton Victoria


The landscape design intent for the Kyneton Police Station was to provide a welcoming entry area, which can double as a public space, and also integrate the historic buildings with the new.

Plantings have been selected from the time of historic events at the site, Ned Kelly being interned in the Bluestone Cell Block. The street side grassed area is kept open to provide a park-like space with excellent passive surveillance and freedom of movement. It also provides a minimalist foreground to the visual interest of the historic architectural form against the new.

Several Elm trees have been added to complement the existing and to replace those lost through construction. The entry path itself has shifted to the edge of the site to keep the park-like lawn area free of clutter. This connects to a paved forecourt entry to the building with three wide and shallow steps at varying angles which mirrors those in the new building façade.

A new path connects the police station with the courthouse building. Additional timber seating has been placed on the east facing side of the building under the shade of new Elm trees.

Darren provided concept design through to final documentation and construction phase services.
