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Great Western Highway upgrade at Lawson NSW

green infastructure - road

As urban and landscape design lead for the Lawson Alliance with Roads and Maritime, Abigroup, SKM and HBO+EMTB, Darren provided detailed design and documentation for the upgrade of the Great Western Highway at Lawson (Stage 2 Ferguson Avenue to Bass Street) as well as construction stage services.

The scope of the work for the project included widening the highway to a four lane dual carriageway with a raised median and off road bicycle facilities, relocation of 600m of the existing Main Western Railway Line, construction of a new bridge over the railway, construction of retaining walls along both the new highway and the railway realignment and property adjustment works.

The project demonstrated an integrated urban and landscape design which protects and enhances the heritage and cultural character of the Blue Mountains setting and the local character of Lawson including the Catholic Precinct, and maximises the opportunities for tree planting to maintain the bushland character between Hazelbrook and Lawson.

The “Eco Garden” - a water sensitive design innovation in the town centre car park - was awarded a Highly Commended at the Stormwater Industry Association Awards